8th Grade Trip to Costa Rica

The 8th graders wrote about their experience in Costa Rica! Can’t wait to go next year! 🙂

Synergy Times

CostaRicaTrip-2015-282-X2Every year, Synergy 8th graders take a week-long trip as a capstone to their final year. For the last few years, students have gone to Costa Rica with Global Works, to do community service work, practice their Spanish, and get a taste of another country and culture. This year, teachers Dominic, Mahala, and Uschi accompanied the students. Eighth graders Lucia, Sophia, and Danika collaborated on this article.

Everyone gathered in the SFO airport: moms, dads, students, cousins, aunts, pets—you get it.  They were all there to see us off on our long journey to Costa Rica.  We were scheduled for a quick flight to LA and then a red eye to San Jose, Costa Rica. After several delays we finally got on the plane to Costa Rica at midnight. This was an overnight flight so everyone tried to get some sleep.

Our Global Works guides, Esteban and Krisley, greeted…

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8th Grade Project Night

Thanks Synergy Times for the write up! Congrats again to 8th graders for their successful completion of their projects!

Synergy Times


If you’ve never been to 8th grade project night, try to make it next year—even if your child is still in kindergarten. It’s a special night, not only because it’s exciting to see how hard the 8th graders work on subjects they’re passionate about. Project night also gives parents of younger students the chance to see the transformation their child will go through during their years at Synergy.

As someone who has been around the school for a while (my oldest son started kindergarten in 2000). I’ve known some of today’s 8th graders since they were in Snugglis and strollers, dragged along to school events and to fetch older siblings at pick up time. When they started at Synergy, they still seemed tiny and impossibly cute: downstairs when my kids moved upstairs, the little kids my older kids watched out for at buddy time.

On project night…

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